Introduction to Racial Injustice, the Prison Industrial Complex and Mass Incarceration & the Church’s Response: More Conversations on Privilege and Race (CPR)
Sophia Jackson is a dynamic, powerful, grace-filled teacher and facilitator. You do not want to miss this! She is a recent graduate of Pacific School of Religion where she earned her Master of Divinity and Certificate of Spirituality and Social Change. As a formerly incarcerated and substance involved individual, plus a member in two denominations, Sophia realized the Church was not adequately responding to the blight that the Prison Industrial Complex was having on Black and Brown men, women and youth. She developed this half day workshop to help churches wake up to this need.
When: Sat. Sept. 21st 10:00 AM-3:00 PM
Where: Willow Glen United Methodist Church, Kohlstedt Hall
1420 Newport Ave, San Jose, CA 95125
Cost: Freewill offering: Recommended donation $10—$20.00
Program outline:
10:00—12:00: Introduction to Racial Injustice, the Prison Industrial Complex and Mass Incarceration
12:00—12:45: Lunch is provided
12:45—3:00: What would Jesus do? Discussion and discernment about the Church’s response
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Sponsored by Willow Glen United Methodist Church (UMC), Urban Sanctuary, Los Gatos UMC, Cambrian Park UMC, Joint Youth Ministry, Almaden Hills UMC and Showing Up For Racial Justice (SURJ)