Another World Is Possible: Exploring Abolition
What is this about?
If you have heard about movements to defund or abolish the police, dismantle the prison industrial complex, or create alternatives to incarceration then this recorded workshop is for you! Maybe you are curious or skeptical about why or how these movements work, or perhaps you’d like to learn more so that you can explain these ideas to others. For any of these reasons, we welcome you to experience this workshop!
This workshop will define what abolition actually means, share an overview of policing history in the US, do a little myth busting and fact checking, help viewers imagine other ways to keep our communities safe, and connect viewers to SURJ resources and members.
How to experience this recording
This recording is presented to encourage viewers to pause the video for reflection, answer questions, and brainstorm responses. If you are viewing with others, we provide ample prompts for group discussion. To increase transparency and to provide resources for further education, a convenient and resourceful document with links is posted.
*This is open source media that can be shared freely without cost or special permission.
Below you will find the links to websites mentioned or referenced in the Exploring Abolition workshop recording. They are listed in order of appearance in the video recording.
Land Acknowledgment
What is Abolition?
How Police Spend Their Time on Average
San Jose and Santa Clara County Jail Statistics & Facts
Main Jail Complex - Office of the Sheriff - County of Santa Clara