PICO Organizing Principle
Make Art Make Justice is SURJ at Sacred Heart’s ongoing creative skills and community building workshop series. These are low key art hangouts that introduce SURJ members to new creative skills (and to one another) in the context of our work to dismantle white supremacy—no artistic experience or ability is required. Seriously! This workshop will teach some basic hand lettering skills to make postcards that say VOTE on the front, and we will also spend a chunk of time writing on the back of the postcards to get out the vote in the Georgia Senate runoff race. All are welcome! Email jennifer.r.myhre@gmail.com for the password.
For this workshop, you’ll want to have blank 4 by 6 inch postcards or index cards as well as a black pen and/or colored markers.
Join us on Zoom
Meeting ID: 830 6708 9421
Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)