This month, in place of the usual Building the Movement Working Group, that team will be hosting a doorknocking outing to educate our community about the county’s new non-police crisis response program for mental health and substance use crises. We give folks a refrigerator magnet and use a deep canvassing approach to engage them in thinking about their own stakes in a non-police crisis program and personal experiences with mental illness or addiction. Even if you don’t generally enjoy doorknocking, the TRUST deep canvassing script is leading to very meaningful and interesting encounters with county residents; you can learn more about the process in our training document. It’s not scary! :) You don’t need previous experience to do this. We will train you on the spot and folks will go out in pairs. The neighborhood is TBD, but we are hoping to walk a community in SJ District 9. Text Carlie (845-325-1633) for more information.
Building the Movement Working Group invites people into SURJ and gets them engaged. (It usually meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month in person at Sacred Heart Community Service’s SoFA District location, 550 S. First Street in San Jose.)