The Art Working Group has re-branded ;) our Cover Charge for Justice ongoing series of two hour long creative skills and community building workshops now that we can’t meet in person. We are alternating between low key one hour art hangouts and more in-depth two hour workshops that build a skill. This is one of the in-depth workshops. On August 15, from 1-3pm we will embroider END WHITE SILENCE on panels of fabric to affix (via safety pin or needle and thread) in front of face masks you already wear (although if you like making your own masks, we encourage you to do so!). During the workshop, we will also explore what it means to end white silence. No previous sewing experience or embroidery experience is required for this activity.
If you understand the idea of a needle going in and out of a piece of fabric, then you’re already an expert for this workshop! :)
And while we will teach you some basic helpful stitches, we are not going to be finicky about technique—our goal is a legible and compelling image of END WHITE SILENCE over the part of the mask that covers our mouths. :) This is a family friendly event (for children you feel are old enough to work with a needle). :)
Gather or acquire your supplies. While you don’t need any sewing experience, you may need to assemble some materials between now and then (and allow for shipping delays due to COVID-19 if necessary). If you wish to avoid Amazon, JoAnn’s Fabric, Missouri Star Quilts, and Annie’s all carry embroidery supplies.
Necessary materials:
fabric (preferably cotton like a quilt cotton or basic cotton--NOT t-shirt material; if using a hoop, we will use fabric larger than the hoop; for masks the likely surface area of our image will be 4 by 5 inches) or a mask you can embroider directly on
embroidery hand needles (a pack of multiple needles runs $1.50-$3; needles from a sewing kit will work too)
embroidery floss (a single color runs around $2 and you can get multi-color packs for anywhere from $14-24)
Recommended materials:
a 6 inch embroidery hoop (very helpful; wood ones run about $2), and
a thimble (if you like to use one)
However, you could likely embroider a panel making do with the materials you might have in a small travel sewing kit if necessary. It might take you a little longer, but it’s not impossible if you aren’t able to acquire embroidery floss and needles in advance.
This workshop will be virtual :
Email for the password.
Or Telephone: Dial: +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 942 3190 5616
A rectangular mask, such as the one below, is the kind of mask we think would be the most practical to use for this activity: