The RRN invites all SURJers to support this event. Contact Kim Guptill at or 408.464.3642 if you can be among the:
8-10 people at Emma Prusch Farm from ~3:00 to 4:45 pm to stand in the southbound lanes of King Road and stop traffic while the 60-car caravan leaves Emma Prusch and turns left (North) onto King Road.
~15 people at King and Alum Rock from ~3:30 to 4:30 pm to stand in ALL lanes of Alum Rock Avenue and stop traffic while the caravan turns left onto Alum Rock/Santa Clara (cannot be the same people as those at Emma Prusch).
5-7 people--ideally trained De-Escalators--from ~5:00 to 6:30 pm at City Hall to deal with any agitators who might show up for the program, which will include singing, poetry, and poster making. They do not expect any organized counterprotest, just passersby who may be activated when they see the group on the plaza and try to make some trouble.
We STRONGLY suggest you attend the JANUARY 14 De-Escalation Training (for the first time or as a Refreshed)if you plan to attend. It’s a good skill to learn for any event.