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Decarceration Meeting: Special Joint SURJ meeting with our partners in Race, Equity and Community Safety at Sacred Hear

The SURJ Decarceration Issue Group usually meets the second Wednesday of each month. This will be a special meeting of the minds and hearts with RECS—our partners in the Race, Equity and Community Safety organizing committee at Sacred Heart Community Service. We will build relationship, share about our campaigns and build collective vision. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS MEETING WILL START A HALF HOUR EARLIER THAN OUR USUAL DECARCERATION MEETING.

This meeting will include updates on that campaign and how to take action for the Care First campaign before the Board of Supervisors votes on January 25 on whether or not to move forward with another jail. If you want to take action RIGHT NOW locally for racial justice, come to this meeting.

This meeting will be on Zoom and closed captioning will be available. Email for the password.

Meeting ID: 885 0188 1957

Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

Earlier Event: January 11
Education Working Group Meeting
Later Event: January 13
Immigration Issue Group Monthly Meeting