You might not know that our SURJ chapter has received paid staff support from Sacred Heart Community Service (SHCS) since its inception in 2016. We are one of several action committee's in SHCS's Policy and Organizing (PAO) team working to bring about a more just Silicon Valley, including the Sacred Heart Housing Action Committee, Survivors of the Streets, the PASOS (Personas Activas Sobresalientes Organizando Soluciones) immigrant rights committee, and Racial Equity and Community Safety (RECS). Our SURJ organizer is in a direct accountability relationship with the RECS organizer and SURJ leaders are part of the Sacred Heart Organizing Committee (SHOC), a team to bring together leaders working on across all of the committees to coordinate campaigns and power building. Every SURJ member, no matter how experienced, should attend a SHOC orientation in order to better understand what our fellow people of color-led organizing committees at Sacred Heart do, and to begin to develop direct relationships with new participants on those committees. If you can attend this week, please email or text Jen at 408-550-5554.