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ACTION: Santa Clara County budget hearing

When the Santa Clara County preliminary budget report for 2023-2024 released on Monday last week, there was NO NEW JAIL in it.  This means that last June when the Care First coalition got the county to pull a no-bid contract for it, we succeeded in stopping THAT jail.  That was a huge victory for the coalition.  But some day we may need to stop another jail, because on Tuesday last week, the Board of Supervisors also voted to look for a consultant to run a needs assessment and community input process to plan a different jail.  In the meantime, the county budget did include $4.4 million to expand the TRUST non-police crisis response program as well as other behavioral health interventions--this will be another big win for Care First. 

Show up tomorrow online, Tuesday May 9th, to uplift behavioral health services at the county budget hearing that starts at 1:30pm or send in written comment to the supervisors.  Sign up and get more information here.